Allu Arjun is all set to team up with Trivikram Srinivas later this year and the film is going to be launched on April 10 in Hyderabad. Radhakrishna is going to produce this film under Harika & Haasini creations banner. Incidentally, all three of them had earlier worked together for Julayi, which went on to become the biggest blockbuster in Allu Arjun’s career.

Buzz is that Allu Arjun is going to romance three heroines in the film and more details about the cast and crew are going to be revealed soon. The film is likely to go on floors in May and if all goes well, it might hit the screens in October. Devi Sri Prasad is going to score the music. The film is expected to be a complete romantic entertainer.

Meanwhile, Allu Arjun is spending as much time as he can with his new born baby and he’s eagerly awaiting the release of his upcoming film Race Gurram. Surender Reddy has directed the film and it stars Shruti Haasan in the lead role. The film is going to release on April 11.

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