At Telugu Desam Party's 'Praja Garjana' that took place in Mahabubnagar yesterday (Tuesday), Telugu movie artiste Venu Madhav literally irritated the party's bigwigs sitting on the stage. Especially his talk about Rahul Gandhi's marriage is literally irritating and brought no laughs as expected by our comedian.

Of course, Venu Madhav is keen to contest from Kodada and his presence on stage amidst big dignitaries of TDP is evident that he is getting keen preference from Chandrababu Naidu. However, in a bid to impress him more, Venu Madhav tried to make fun of Sharmila, Jagan and Rahul Gandhi. 'There is this lady who says that she is an arrow. Already your arrows have pierced our chests, what more you want to give? And there is this guy who is being driven directly to jail by his car-driver whenever he sits in the car', said Venu Madhav. These comments about Sharmila and Jagan are little okay, but here comes his stuttering about Rahul Gandhi.

'This guy wants to get married only after becoming Prime Minister. He will not get married until he grabs that seat. Congress leaders say that he is still bachelor. If Rahul joins TDP in Mahabubnagar district, TDP leaders will soon get him a good girl from the district to marry', Venu Madhav quipped. Rather bringing laughs, this speech bought irritation on TDP chief Chandrababu's face, and immediately our comedian got signals from prominent leaders on dais to stop his silly speech. - See more at: http://www.gulte.com/news/25988/Comedian-Irritates-TDP-Chief-Publicly#sthash.Tl2eK7Ue.dpuf

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