Jr NTR Guest Role in Aagadu Movie,Jr NTR in Mahesh Babu Aagadu, Jr NTR will play a guest Aagadu, Jr NTR in Aagadu, Jr NTR cameo role in Aagadu Ever since Aagadu started the expectations on the film also have been proportionately rising. And director Srinu Vaitla is determined to give a bigger hit than Dookudu with Mahesh. The director has seen to it the movie has many uniques including Mahesh speaking Rayalseema language, Tamanna pairing up first time with Mahesh and Rajendra Prasad doing an important role. If all that was not good enough we have the most exciting news scoop of this year – filmnagar circles are rumoring that Young Tiger NTR will play a guest in the Aagadu movie! It is known that NTR has many times openly said his liking for Mahesh and so we wont be surprised if this rumor turns out to be true. And it will be super exciting to see two talented actors sharing the screen and frame for the first time.

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