Sexy Tollywood Actress Samantha is now busy with the Parallel shoots of Manam, Bellam Konda Srinivas's Film and Tamil Film Anjaan. As per the latest reports she completed her part for the film Manam which is a most awaited Akkineni family entertainer starring ANR, Nagarjuna and Naga Chaitanya in lead roles, Samantha is pairing with Naga Chaitanya in this film and this is the third film of this romantic couple, Quoting the news she recently tweeted like below “Last day on the sets of manam.. Lots of laughs, lots of mischief and lots of good work. Gonna miss the team,”
This movie is directed by Vikram Kumar who earlier given a biggest hit wih the film Ishq, Music composed by Anup Rubens. Nagarjuna is producing this film under Annapurna Studios banner.
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