Creative Director SS Rajamouli is managing the shooting of his forthcoming film Baahubali against all odds, and this has been possible only with the help of cinematographer Senthil says the ace filmmaker. As said earlier, Baahubali team including Prabhas,Tamanna and others is currently shooting for some vital portions for the movie in Mahabaleshwar among the rains and cold weather.
“Mist makes it beautiful Rain makes it unshootable… But, Sendhil still managed to capture some magical shots.. “, Rajamouli Tweeted.
Being produced by Arka Media, Baahubali also casts Anushka, Rana, Nasser, Ramya Krishna, Sathya Raj in central roles. Keeravani is the music director. The big-budget period film is being produced on a grand scale by Shoba Yarlagadda and Prasad Devineni.

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