Yesteryear heroine Aarthi Aggarwal had seen several highs in her career. Especially her debut film Nuvvu Naku Nachchav garnered her not just fans from people outside filmdom but also within the industry and made her star over night. She shared screen space with almost all the top stars of Telugu and the list includes Chiranjeevi (Indra), Venkatesh (Vasantham, Sankranthi), Nagarjuna (Nenunnanu), Prabhas (Adavi Ramudu), NTR (Allari Ramudu, Narsimhudu), Mahesh Babu (Bobby), Ravi Teja (Veede). Except Pawan Kalyan and Balakrishna, Aarthi starred with almost all others.

However, that phase is passe. Her career has hit rock bottom where nobody is caring for her films. Failing to make a comeback, struggling Aarthi ended up in mediocre films. Now Aarthi decided to do bold act to comeback into limelight it. Aarthi, who is pairing up with villain-turned-hero Mukul Dev for an yet-to-be-titled film, locked her lips with Mukul. Directed by Bharat Parepalli, the movie is being made in six languages. Poor Aarthi..tsk…tsk.

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