Stylish star Allu Arjun’s recently released movie ‘Race Gurram’. The movie has reportedly crossed Rs.51 crore trade mark at the worldwide Box Office. The movie has crossed Venkatesh – Mahesh Babu’s multi starrer movie ‘Seethamma Vakitlo Sirimalle Chettu’ figures, which stand at 51 crore. The family entertainer has took the top 5 position in the list of top 10 grossers in Tollywood. The movie has crossed 16 crore mark in Nizam and 7 crore mark in Ceded on its 23rd days run. It is Arjun’s first film to enter the 50-crore club a rare feat that only a very few Telugu heroes including Mahesh Babu, Venkatesh, Pawan Kalyan and Ram Charan have achieved. 

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